I love building technology products to solve real world problems and create a positive impact on people’s lives.
I currently work as a Product Manager at Emeritus, an EdTech platform trying to make high quality education affordable and accessible.
Previously, I spent 3 and a half years building Commerce products at Salesforce. I have also worked on mobile and voice apps at WeightWatchers.

Outside of work, I enjoy writing poetry, theatre and playing tennis.

Principles I Live By

Over the last few years, I’ve reflected a lot on what my values are. I arrived at several after a lot of reflection based on my life, what my parents taught me and the books I’ve read.

  1. Personal Relationships are important for a happy life.

  2. Almost everything is a skill - if I put in the time and effort, I can learn it

  3. I am here to serve my fellow humans.

  4. I must be true to myself. Life is too short for pretenses, fake friendships and living someone else’s versions of success.

  5. Almost nothing is worth sacrificing my health

  6. When choosing friends, pick  the ones with a good heart above all else.


My writing revolves around fairly eclectic themes - technology, product management, philosophy, friendship and everything in between. Here are some of my essays:

  1. On Disagreements & Documentation (2023)

  2. The Power of Ownership and the Joys of a Well Written Document (2023)

  3. Lessons from Engineering in Big Tech (2019)

  4. Finding True Friendships: Lessons from Seneca and My Life

  5. An 8 Year Old and His 'Secret Treasure' on the power of practice and having a growth mindset

  6. Seeking Serendipity: An Introvert’s Guide to Making Serendipitous Encounters Happen (2019)

  7. A Tale of Two Cities

  8. Mumbai, not Manhattan: Rediscovering Home (2018)


  1. Iterations: A biweekly newsletter where I share my learnings around technology, building products and anything I’m curious about. Subscribe here!

  2. Seeking Serendipity: an occasional newsletter with fairly eclectic themes: books, life updates, poetry, philosophy and recommendations.

Get In Touch

Email is the best way to get in touch with me. I’ll try my best to respond within 24 hours.
Email at horamanan@gmail.com