Books I Read in 2017...

2017 was not a great year for reading :( I failed in my reading challenge for the year- I had set a goal of reading 25 books this year, but managed to read only 13. I managed to do a good amount of reading in the summer this year, and hardly read one book in the last four months during the semester. I think it's largely a question of habit. If I can create a habit of reading at night every single day by making it something non-negotiable that has to happen everyday, then I will be able to read a lot more.Nonetheless, here are the books I read this year.

Inline image 1As some of you may know, I started keeping notebooks to take notes on whatever I read, inspired by Ryan Holiday. Off late, I've started putting some of my notes (non-fiction only) on my website for easy access. Here are my notes from a few of the books I read this year:

Grit- The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

Elements of Style - one of the best books ever on how to write well

So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport- offers practical, research-backed advice on career success & whether you should follow your 'passion'A Moveable Feast by Earnest Hemingway- has some beautiful quotes, shared some of my favorites here along with a synopsis of the book

The Art of War by Sun Tzu - this age-old classic offers a goldmine of lessons which apply to in everyday life especially in leadership, politics and business.

Recommendations, please?!I would love some book recommendations from you all - looking to start off 2018 with some good fiction. I don't stick to any particular genre, but I do stay away from murder mysteries, crime and science fiction. Fantasy, action and adventure, comedy, romance, literary/magical realism, drama..are all welcome. Feel free to leave your recommendations in the comments section.